Monday, December 2, 2013


This is open to anyone who struggles with PTSD whether it is combat related or a traumatic life event.  For every action there may be a reaction.  This reaction could occur moments later or even years later.  Events occur in our lives that may leave lasting prints that we may never overcome or handle.  As a Christian, I believe in the healing in the power of Jesus Christ our Lord however there may be an event that eventually defines or changes us to a point where we never return to the person we once were.  We learn to deal with our events. We learn to adjust to life because of our events.  We learn that we become a different person through our events.  Regardless we can not change the people around us to understand our events or our change.  Someone may say " you're not acting yourself" but truth is they don't know yourself now. They may not know the new person you have become.

There are many symptoms that may stem from a traumatic event.  We try to find the root cause but at the end of the day the way you react to an event that was life changing is now the way your body and mind reacts. The reactions become out of control at times. We find a way to hide them or mitigate the response.  Will it ever go away?  Does it stop?  Does it for you?  How does one control an "insider attack" when your walking through a crowd of people and your heart beats out of control.  How do you control the shaking throughout your body.  How does one deal with the fact they feel so alone when there are thousands of people right in front of you.  How does one run in fear from a loud sound when the sound is not chasing you. How does one become so angered at a person who is listening to you but does not understand.  How does one control themselves from constantly trying to physically or mentally defend themselves from attacks that are not there.

I often think of these feelings, these reactions, these specific symptoms but still can not find a reason. Maybe the body has adjusted to a new "climate". A new chapter.  A new life.  A different day.

What would you think today ?

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